Boulder feels like it has turned the corner...into spring. Sure, anyone who has lived on the Front Range of Colorado for more than a couple years knows that it is all just an illusion...we are gonna get DUMPED on at any time! Then we will all snivel and whine. So enjoy the sunny side of March! And enjoy the extra hours of light at the end of the day! I can walk out behind the fly shop at lunch and catch a few browns any given day, now. Right here in town. The flows are really low (about 15cfs) Check current
Boulder Creek Flows . I have seen some rising fish every day. Mainly midge adults on top, but an occasional BWO mayfly. But small. The best producing fly for me this past week (while fishing in town) has been an old BC standard...#20 black Zebra Midge pupa.
Best times to fish Boulder Creek
Best flies to use on Boulder Creek
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