Read The Story The Carp Addiction What is it about carp that turns respectable trout fishermen into brownliners. Is it the demand for precise casting and the detection of subtle takes telegraphed by body language?

Read The Story Gear Up For Carp! I talk constantly about the strategies and tactics surrounding carp fishing. I do this because there is so much to talk about, yet so much poor advice and misinformation blowing around. I get so carried away with water levels and fish behavior that I tend to ignore the basics…
Read More on Carp Flies!

Read The Story Small Carp, Small Water (Best Bet, for now!) The best bet, that is, if you are a carp fisherman. If not, well...go have fun with your trout. I hear the rainbows spawn this time of year. Get yourself some plastic beads and toothpicks and find the nearest redds...

Oh yeah? Big grassies on demand? They ain’t easy ya know…
“Yeah, whatever,” Don assured me. “I’ll call you in the spring.”

Read The Story Rainy Day Carp Rainy day carp don't eat, they just watch ‘till they've seen all the flies you've got. (No...wait, that’s not how the Gordon Lightfoot lyrics go.) Sometimes carp will take a fly even in the least likely conditions. You just never know. If fishing in the rain is your only option, then ya gotta do what ya gotta do...
Read The Story Carpin' From A Canoe They say if you start a small business or build a house together it will either destroy a relationship or make it unbreakable. True. And I would like to add fly fishing for carp from a canoe to that list.
Read The Story Skinny Water Carp (Late Season) As a fly fisherman I look forward to Autumn. Not because the aspens are changing up the canyon, or the Kokanee or the big browns running up the Dream Stream...
Cottonwood Seed flies for top water carp!
June 18th! This is the time of year for the cottonwood drop. The white, fluffy seed pods have been floating around for a couple of weeks now.
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