Rocky Mountain Anglers Swap Day Guidelines
All items will be sold for the asking price for 1 day only: May 21, 2011.
All items are to be dropped off at RMA during normal business hours between the dates of Monday May 2 and Wednesday May 18.
Items must be listed on the swap receipt and tagged with prices using RMA rod tags. (see below). This is the sellers’ responsibility, to be checked by an RMA employee.
All sales of swap items will by in the form of cash or check only. All sales are FINAL!
There will be no haggling/bargaining over swap items.
Please price your items to move, 50% of original retail or less is a good guideline if you want your gear to sell.
Rocky Mountain Anglers offers two forms of payment to those whose gear is sold at the swap. A gift certificate earns 90% of the selling price for your gear. A check earns you 75% of the selling price for your gear.
All gear not sold must be picked up from RMA no later than Wednesday May 25, 2011. After this time any swap items left in the possession of Rocky Mountain Anglers will be considered donations and will be distributed to kids in need of fly fishing gear.
RMA would appreciate a prompt response by those fortunate enough to have sold gear. Please come by and pick up your payment or gift card the week following the swap. RMA will make courtesy calls to those entitled to payment.
RMA has the right to refuse any gear or items deemed unsellable or “not right” for the swap day.