
Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Well-Caught Trout

Fishing with someone new is often interesting...and always educational. An overnight hike into the high country to do some trout fishing on some remote lakes is that...for sure. Educational. You learn about a person. And, then again...they learn about you, too. But you never think about that flip side until the drive home. You know, when it is too late. But, I have known this guy for almost a year and have never fished with him. I knew what sort of man he was...and I knew what sort of fly fisherman he was. He was a man that came across as soft spoken, but serious...mainly because he listened more than he talked. And I knew he preferred solitude and remote areas...and liked to catch his trout on light rods and on dry flies.
I was a bit surprised, though, when he stated that he had only packed in a 2 weight Scott and one tin of dry flies. He was going to have his trout...and have them his way! I felt a little silly with my fast 9 foot 5 weight lake rod. I felt like I had brought a wet suit to an indoor pool. Yeah, a tool. Then the wind picked up on the lake and I felt good about stripping my leech through the chop.
But the wind did not last. The lake died down in the early evening and all lay still. Then the stage came alive with bugs...and the trout began to rise. And my friend took them all...his way.

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