
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Big Bugs, Big Bugs...Big Bugs

This is June on the Front Range of Colorado—the rivers are looking more and more like a giant Yoo-Hoo tanker truck jackknifed somewhere up in the canyon. The water is high and brown…like chocolate milk. Get it? But don’t despair. This is the season for heavy leaders and big bugs. And I do not necessarily mean 4x and stoneflies…I am talking about 1x, 4 inch streamers and warmwater! The bass fishing has gotten silly good and the local carp flats are beginning to put out double-digit fish counts for those with the right drive and flies! Come by Rocky Mountain Anglers in Boulder and check out some of our new fly bins. Business has been smoking good this year (thank you, all!) so we took some of the profits and had a guy build us some new fancy fly bins out of beetle-kill lumber. Plus we absolutely stacked the new bins with flies. We, unarguably, have the best and deepest fly selection in town! And, boy, do we ever have a ton of big ones…streamers and bass bugs coming out our ears!

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