
Monday, October 25, 2010

When in doubt...

When in something different. When you are sure you know the answers, or what fly to use, but things just ain't going according to the script you had prepared...switch it up. Go unconventional. Do the opposite of what your conventional wisdom is telling you. I am mildly dyslexic. So when I am driving home from somewhere I have never been...and I come to an intersection. And I know I need to turn left...nope...I go right. And sometimes when I am on the river and I, again, know what flies to be using. And it is not working out that way. And I try all the right flies. Then, all the right flies...but a different size. And still nothing. Then I turn in the opposite direction. I tie on 1x leader material and the biggest, ugliest monster in my fly box! So, the other day while struggling on the Blue River, I tied on a big Geezus Lizard bass fly. Shouldn't work, should it? Rainbows ate it...

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